Atwood Rhudy Revolutions Oak-Aged Rhubarb + Black Currants + Blackberry Farmhouse Ale 2024 500ml


Availability: In stock

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Similar to the final film in a Hollywood blockbuster trilogy, with an inflated budget, extremely long run time, overly complicated script and cool-but-unnecessary special effects, Rhudy Revolutions is like the original beer that made it possible, but aggrandized with more fruit, oak barrels and blending. Despite only containing a fraction of the estate-grown rhubarb of previous Rhudy incarnations, the addition of rhubarb puree, and estate-grown, second-use black currants and blackberries help you forgive any glaring plot holes and leave you feeling good about enjoying this beer with some Red Vines and overpriced nachos. Barrel-aged.
